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In Response to ala
Another inspirational discussion:;hl=music

Well, OC feels kinda raw and still unfinished at the moment. The style should be the biggest question - if you can solve it tracks can be composed really fast after that.

I tried two things to this point: Atmosphere style (Cave, Skylands, Ice-music etc.) - this certainly could fit the game, and enrich a deeper character and feel to it, those feelings people have about landscapes, that you can bring to them. I think you know, what I'm talking about. A lot of fightning music in similar style is available in RPG-Soundtracks as well.

The second thing I tried out, was a more relaxing and versatile style: I tried out funk and jazz, or mixing themes with elements of it like "Tropic fever" did from the first Clonk Soundtrack. But it did not produce fitting results, that I would be happy with.

Currently I'm learning, eager to try again after some time. I plan to use Bjorn Lynne for Inspiration: (Composer of certain Worms Games by the way)

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