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In Response to Clonkonaut
First thread.

I want now continue on a settlement concept. As I said in the first thread, I was originally thinking about production lines and settlement buildings but drifted off into the whole material stuff. But I went on with the concept to push it further. Not since but even before the outbreak of the new discussions in the Clonk Forum I thought it useful to have a whole concept with intertwining parts. The discussion in the old thread didn't bring any major counter-arguments against the concept (you may beg to differ at this point but I found none). Except for Peter who strongly opposed the incorporation of food because he thinks the supporting reasons too weak.
I will proceed with the food because it fits my basic thoughts on the production lines / settlement (see below). Nonetheless I think it is possible to leave that part out and outsource it into an own (food) pack.
From my summary in the last thread I think Maikel's cotton idea to be very good so don't take me wrong because it doesn't appear in my drafts.

Okay, let's start.

These were my first thoughts. Or say it's just a summary of what objects we had in CR and what we have in OC (I hope I mentioned everything, if not mea culpa). My conclusion is that we can organise the objects in certain categories. These were Chemicals, Weaponry, Construction and Vehicles in CR. Construction (ConKit, LineKit) is replaced or integrated in Tools in OC. I mentally added two more categories for OC: Food and Magic.
This leaves us with 5 basic production buildings for each cat. We may think of some buildings which combine production of cats to lessen the number. I didn't so. The only suitable building I thought of was the already existing tools workshop to produce weaponry as well. On another thought I didn't find that fitting.

Production lines:

This was my first approach. It's a non exhaustive enumeration of basic production lines. Nothing new there I think except for some minor changes. I will explain every line separately:
Raw material is trees, big mushrooms (~ underground trees) and anything made purely from wood (which I counted as an easter egg in CR). The first two have to be chopped with the axe, then dragged to the sawmill. The sawmill produces wood. The "anything made purely from ..." part I will call recycling.
Nothing new here. Catch some ore and put it together with some fuel into the foundry -> metal. I added a recycling possibility: everything purely made from metal (swords, shields, ...) can be used to produce metal as well.
Gold bars:
Carry a nugget (see AlteredARMOR in the first thread) to the foundry, add fuel, get a bar. Recycle anything purely made from gold bars (crowns, ...).
Dried moss:
The cheap fuel. Just harvest with the sickle, let it dry, use it.
Find / crop some corn, use the sickle and you will get the seeds. Carry to the mill and you will have splendid meal.

These are the construction materials so far (except for dried moss...). Bring them to the production buildings and start making stuff.

Okay. This one. I will have to go into the details of my basic thoughts on settlement to explain this:

Basic thoughts:
This is a quote from the first thread:

> You need all materials from the Construction category for a basic settlement scenario. These are Rock, Wood and Metal

My basic settlement scenario contains these three materials otherwise it won't work for now. You will have to draw some ore, some rock and place some trees. That's it. Of course the player needs a way to mine. Unless the pickaxe gets implemented and we want the player to mine for hours.
Here's where my surrogate-idea kicks in. Or let's call it alternative ways. I think it's kinda boring to always add some sulphur and let the player produce flints (and like I've written on the first page, I don't like the refined flints). The first chemical product for mining already exists, the dynamite.
Other idea is just drop some mats and let the player decide which way he will take.
And what I mentioned above: food. I think we should just drop some materials and stuff and let the developers decide what to do but not a complete predefined pack.

I imagined two other explosives (chemical products):
Gunpowder barrel
This is quicker than the dynamite (and maybe bigger explosion?). Just drop it and it will explode after some time.
This will work for mining and for combat. I thought it to be a replacement for the super flint and the Super-T-Flint (we may think of a way to turn on a delay.

These are two explosives which don't need sulphur:
Flour bomb:
Strength of a super flint / grenade. Based on dust explosions. Made from flour (the dust) and crystal (for the spark). It may first puff a cloud and then explode (little delay for the effect).
Little blast:
More or less a spell. This is critical because I bear Matthias's thoughts on magic in mind. Representation can be a red crystal or so. This is a slow moving (gravity affected) projectile with the strength of a flint. Needs one crystal (cheap!).

Production buildings:
As I said, 5 basic production buildings:
Tools workshop (tools), Smith/Weapon Smith/Armory (weaponry), Chemical lab (chemical products), Workshop (vehicles), bakery (food). I could not help to add another building for magic products. I called it Transmutation chamber but then remembered that we don't want any entrances. Well, then, I don't know. Transmutor, Transmutator or something.

Other surrogates:
I thought of other ways of replacing certain materials. Well, these ideas are obviously completly optional.
2x Coal in the foundry to burn some sulphur.
2x Mushroom in the transmutation things to create crystal (because mushrooms contain less magic power than crystals).
1 Flint into the chemical lab to create 1 sulphur and 1 coal. It's no longer possible to create flints in the chemical labs.

To conclude the thread, a flowchart of the production :)

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