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Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Release 4.0
- - By Newton [th] Date 2014-01-22 08:36
Hey guys, let's create a release now. We are long overdue, and even though we are far away from completing all the features that we originally wanted to have in a next release, we have many others now.

Any last last-minute features and/or bugfixes that you want to contribute?
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2014-01-22 09:25

>Any last last-minute features and/or bugfixes that you want to contribute?

The only thing that is needed for the fishes is a dead-fish graphics. Even though the fishes are admittedly not high priority *shrug*
Parent - - By Newton [th] Date 2014-01-22 09:45 Edited 2014-01-22 10:55
Just for an overview, here my assesment over the features we planned to have in the release and what we actually have now.

Originally, the main features of 4.0 were planned to be Zapper's new controls and content creation for settlement scenarios: challenges and means to overcome those, improving the scenarios and objects we already have, add flora, fauna and athmosphere.
Minor and personal projects were JCaesar's floating point, Clonk-Karl's rope system and PeterW's dynamic lighting system.

Planned features that were not done

Zapper's new controls: Turned out to be also an overhaul for the HUD which in future shall be based on customizable engine-side GUI. Bigger project than expected. Work on it stalled for 8 months now. Not expected to be continued/finished anytime soon but progressed too far for being abandoned I think.

JCaesar's floating point: Other than announced, no work done on it for 1 year. Probably abandoned.

Clonk-Karl's rope system: No work done on it for 1 year. Probably abandoned.

PeterW's dynamic lighting: No work done on it for over 1 year. Sadly sadly, I don't really see it being finished anymore since this project has been going about since 2009. Even though I would really like to convince myself to no see it dead.

Features that were later understood to be part of the next release but no work done

Carry heavy materials: Clonkonaut wanted to revive this and merge it into master but no work done. Since this is not that big of a task, I don't see it lost but probably not put into a release that we want to push right now.

Graphics overhaul / add missing 3d models: Fungiform's and Nachtfalter's project started out quite exciting but after an initial boost it left us with no results. I don't see any results coming anytime soon I am afraid.

Add architecture Mac (again), this time included into autobuilds: Very sad that this team effort (mac buildserver - Mortimer, autobuild scripts - Isilkor, web download frontend - Newton,  development versions - Clonk-Karl) was not carried to the end. It seems that from the sides of Mortimer, myself and Clonk-Karl, everything is ready to set up, Isilkor didn't finish his part.

The league: Not finished yet. There seems to be more to it. I hope we can start a beta after the new release.

Features that were (instead) implemented

+ added firestone material (Newton), pickaxe can't mine through everything (Sven2)
+ reworked solidmasks (Sven2)
+ introduced a completely new, more powerful and faster particle system (Zapper)
+ many documentation updates (mainly Newton)
+ introduced new way to create dynamic landscapes, Map.c (Sven2)
+ introduced cleaner way to create scenarios, Objects.c (Sven2)
+ add cave mushrooms (Zapper)
+ add many sound effects (mostly Clonkonaut)
+ debugrec option, intead of #ifdef - easier debugging for network bugs (Mortimer)
+ make keyboard input independent of keyboard layout (Newton, Oliver Schneider)
+ reduce install size by 10MB or so (Newton)
+ pumps can create power (Sven2, Newton)
+ added mape to main (Clonk-Karl)
+ new settlement scenarios (I don't have an overview over that)
+ lots of minor improvements to existing scenarios and objects (mainly Maikel, Ringwaul, Clonkonaut)
+ !!!quadrillions of bugfixes!!!, more than for any other version of OC and even much more than visible in the bugtracker (mainly Newton, Sven2, Isilkor, Maikel, Clonk-Karl, Mortimer)
+ forgot something?
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2014-01-22 13:49

> The league: Not finished yet. There seems to be more to it. I hope we can start a beta after the new release.

Actually, it's mostly done. Missing currently from my POV:
* Account creation using unified login (partly done locally; not tested yet)
* Update CSS and header
* Automatic insertion/updating of scenario and object hashes by release script (I have the script from; just need to update it)

Anything else I am missing?
Parent - - By Newton [th] Date 2014-01-22 14:17 Edited 2014-01-22 14:24
* the league server also handles the updates and the masterserver in CR. However for OC, the update mechanisms changed so either the update-handling code from B_E's masterserver must be coded into the league source code or the CR and OC code must be adapted to enable two different adresses for 1. league/masterserver and 2. update/version check.
* retire old masterserver, replace with league server
* use own instead of icons. Motivate our artists to create those we don't already have.

I'd like these, one for security, one for nicer interface. But they are certainly not necessary:
- Code should use PDO for proper database abstraction
- I'm not too happy with the URIs the league is generating; it should use PATH_INFO to generate links like /league/player/Sven2 instead of /league/index.php?part=user&user[id]=100 (especially the .php stuff needs to go, but also user[id] should just be user, and the action should be taken from the path itself instead of the query string)

All in all, it is not that much, but not so little to just get it over with quickly before an immediate release IMO, e.g. on Sunday.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2014-01-22 18:18

> before an immediate release IMO, e.g. on Sunday.

That's very ambitious. We should at least test all the stuff that's usually ignored; e.g. tutorials. Maybe call for a playtesting Sunday?
Parent - By Newton [th] Date 2014-01-22 18:48
Saturday is better, in case real problems pop up.
Parent - By Clonkonaut [de] Date 2014-01-22 20:26
Very nice reminder thread, indeed. Just to recite the PM I just wrote you, so everyone can read it:

> Carry heavy materials: Clonkonaut wanted to revive this and merge it into master but no work done. Since this is not that big of a task, I don't see it lost but probably not put into a release that we want to push right now.

I don't see that getting done before a release. Not because of the amount of work that has to be done. That's not that much, yes. But for the amount of testing to get everything sorted out.
Parent - By Clonk-Karl [de] Date 2014-01-23 08:56

> Clonk-Karl's rope system: No work done on it for 1 year. Probably abandoned.

My last conclusion on this was that it would probably need to be more tightly integrated with the object movement code. Currently rope movement is executed 10x a frame, and objects once a frame, and that causes the rope to behave weird. If the rope execution is done only once a frame then it's not numerically stable anymore.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2014-01-23 19:31
Another thing: some (including you) have mentioned that some particle effects look uglier than before. So if anyone actually gave feedback what and why some look ugly, those could be adjusted before the release.
Parent - By Newton [th] Date 2014-01-24 09:59
The dust clouds while running/digging don't look good. They are like big brown bubbles popping up from the ground. Also, black smoke should perhaps not be absolutely black (see boompack) but very-darkish-browngrey as before so that one can see the cloudy structure of the smoke (clouds).
Parent - By Newton [th] Date 2014-01-24 17:22
Also please check the particles on the foundry. The fires are far too exaggerated (the fire is supposed to be inside, not outside) and the smoke is misplaced. On the left, there shouldn't be a fire but something that looks like lava drip out if at all.
Parent - By Newton [th] Date 2014-01-25 07:38
Also, the sparks when mining with the pickaxe seem to be gone.
Up Topic Development / Developer's Corner / Release 4.0

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