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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Chopping Trees
- - By MimmoO Date 2009-12-07 15:34
hey. i had the idea to change the tree-chopping-system a  bit. at the moments its so, that we chop the tree and insert the whole tree into the sawmill. in reality, its different of course. first of all, the roots wont come out when you just chop the tree. the you have leafs, which just dissapear atm.

so i think we could change it in that way, that you only cut the upper part of the tree, and the roots remain in the ground. then it should be possible to cut a tree without a sawmill (which is doing it much faster ofc), maybe for scens where you start with nothing.

what do you think?
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2009-12-07 16:47

>the roots wont come out when you just chop the tree. the you have leafs,

Sounds like just another particle effect with falling leaves and a root graphics still in the earth. Could look nice, could look shitty.

>cut a tree without a sawmill

I mentioned that in some earlier post too, I think. I agree because for virtually every building, wood is needed. Then, to always require a sawmill first (which is build from metal and wood!) is a little too much to ask when we want to move away from the Gold shortcut in a settlement game.
Parent - - By MimmoO Date 2009-12-07 17:08
by the way, i miss "sawmill" in the "core to do objects"... or isnt it core to do?
Parent - By Newton [de] Date 2009-12-07 19:43
Well, I don't. Did you read my post?
Parent - - By Enrique [de] Date 2009-12-08 19:48
Well the usage of a sawmill can make a scenario more hard. I would like to have it still as a core object, and the "handchopping" as a rule like in western, so a scenariodesigner still could use the necessary of a sawmill, before the player has enough wood to create something.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-12-08 20:59
The less rules, the easier for the player. So if there is a compromise without an additional rule, it would be better
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-08 22:33
I like the idea of a sawmill simply being faster than chopping by hand. To make the sawmill actually useful, hand-chopping would have to be fairly slow, though.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-12-09 12:46
Or a sawmill could just get more wood out of one tree
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-09 17:19 Edited 2009-12-09 17:22
Yep. In real life, I've noticed using an axe to fall and divide a tree wastes about 4 inches or more of wood wherever you make a cut. Of course using a bow-saw wastes relatively no wood, but takes a lot of time to fall a tree. This isn't to say OC should be 100% realistic, just how this also ties into real-world logic.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-12-10 10:28
Yes. We have some possibilities to give a sawmill advantages over hand-cutting. One could be to disable wood cutting per hand by default ("What? Why doesnt this work? It worked in the other scenario!!!!"), another would be to let the sawmill could wood faster. But we wouldn't want it to be instant while still being at least three or four times faster than the manual cutting. That would lead to the manual cutting being horribly slow ("booooring!!!").
So I think the best idea would be to increase the profit when using a sawmill. That would lead to the player not wanting to cut down too many trees manually because it would just waste valuable wood. He would want to build a sawmill as soon as possible while still being able to get some wood without one
(I know you didn't say anything against it. Just felt it needed some elaboration)
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2009-12-10 13:49
But after the lengthy discussion the most important thing is missing: The one who implements it. I know to implement a saw/axe for handcutting with some trees plus graphics is not that much work but still if no one does it, it will not be done.
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-10 20:13
I could make the graphics for this, and possibly even script it myself.
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2009-12-07 16:51
A sawmill should be more effective than the hand-method, perhaps also faster. Or expressed differently, you could not process all parts of the tree without a sawmill.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Chopping Trees

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