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- - By Yaddy1 [ca] Date 2009-12-10 00:00
I am interested in getting involved in the development of this game. I love Clonk Rage but I own a Power PC mac and while I will be getting a new computer in a year or so currently I can only play this game with my friends on their computers. I would love to assist the development of this game in any way. However I don't really know how to help. I know a bit of Java and if someone pointed me in the right direction I could probably assist in coding. My animation skills are not the greatest so I wouldn't be much help in that department...
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-10 00:51
Are you familiar with C4Script at all? The main thing we don't have now is objects; the Player Controls are almost finished and work well with existing items.
Parent - - By Yaddy1 [ca] Date 2009-12-10 01:34
No I'm not but given a week with the tutorial (if it exists) I could know it...
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-10 03:00
It's interesting seeing another Canadian interested in development, but there are only so many things a person can do to help develop OpenClonk.
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2009-12-10 14:37 Edited 2009-12-10 14:47
That you are interested in helping the project in general rather than having one cool idea that you want to implement for OpenClonk is interesting. Up till now I thought (well, hoped) the people would search for a task they could do and start to implement them on their own. You know, the game is still nearly without content, so there is still a lot of freedom of how the whole thing can look at the end. And actually I don't want to be the one who defines how it will look by creating and assigning a list of tasks to do - at least not alone - because first of all I fear by this, I will turn away just those people from the project who got their own great ideas for the game. And second, this kind of thing (project management) is a time-consuming and unthankful task, especially in open source projects because you can never count on that one task gets done or not.
Sometimes I post some requests (for graphics or for engine changes) that I need for my own tasks because I know that there are some very skilled graphic artists and coders in the project.

In general there are quite a few different areas in which you can help the project:
  • Sound effects (design and search), composing music

  • Creating graphics, rendering models, uv-mapping models and texturing models (+search for textures), animating, creating landscape textures

  • Content development with C4Script

  • engine development with C++ with all it's subareas like network code, controls, gui, c4script parser, sound system... etc etc etc

You can help depending on your skills and interests, and also on in what you want to get better at (after all, you want to learn something too by helping the project I am sure).

That you might learn the basics of C4Script through some tutorials is true, but I doubt that novice C4Scripters are of any help in the current stage of development where first the object systems have to be written.

Where you definitely can help is in sound and art. We will always need people that Search and make sound effects, requests are normally posted in the sound studio subforum. But I think you can very well imagine by yourself what sound we need for a clonk world.
To find (or better: photograph) textures for the landscape is still an open task. There are still textures missing or need to be improved (replaced). Also, even if you can't model or animate (like me), there are still some tasks in the modelling pipeline that can be done by other people. IIRC there is for example at least one model (that of the mining hut) that is done as a model but is missing a little bit of polygon reduction, uv-mapping, texturing and animation (door).
This model, by the way, was made by Faby from Italia. The really stunning thing is that he was not so active before and not so active after posting the model - so I guess he must have read the forum occasionally and when I posted the request, he felt like creating and contributing that. I am sure there are more people around here (like you and him. Actually I know a couple more but I don't want to mention them all in this post here now) who like the project and would contribute from time to time without involving themselves too much if the openclonk team only posted some tasks that have to be done. But as I said, I don't want and can't be the one who all writes into the forum what has to be done and splits it up into tasks alone. And is after that these tasks really get finished (or started).

I wrote this long post not only to address you but also the other fellow clonkers here in the forum who are in the same situation as you. I know now they are not few. But also to address the more... "core openclonk team" to perform more a role of project managers and/or mentors for the openclonk-development newbies.
Parent - By Yaddy1 [ca] Date 2009-12-10 16:59
Thank you. I'll first try and improve my skills then I'll try and help out in one of the areas you mentioned.
Parent - - By Mortimer [de] Date 2009-12-10 19:29
how about helping out with this project :D ->
Parent - - By Yaddy1 [ca] Date 2009-12-10 23:28
What would that be Mortimer. Clonk in Java?
Parent - - By Mortimer [de] Date 2009-12-10 23:38
Nope, a plugin for Eclipse to help developing Clonk content. And well, it's written in Java ^^
Parent - - By Yaddy1 [ca] Date 2009-12-11 17:02
Thanks but I think I'm gonna make models. (first I'll have to practice a bit) Can I make them in Blender? If I can't what program should I use?
Parent - - By MimmoO Date 2009-12-11 17:05
yes, you can use blender. blender can export to different file types, so we can use it :)
just check out the graphic department, and see where you can help.
Parent - By Yaddy1 [ca] Date 2009-12-12 16:06
Kay thanks!
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