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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Me thinking out loud
- - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-28 04:13 Edited 2010-02-28 17:11
I'll just post my thought's here:                                                    I'll mark things off as they are addressed

1. Was messin around with aquaclonks and found that ANY building can be built and fuctions underwater.  This would include parodoxial stuff like the power generator and foundry.  Maybe this should be limited to only buildings like the ones in the far worlds pack that were made for underwater.

2. Trees, for some reason could be grabbed when not even near them, could be holding on to air and still move them, also, its kinda annyoing when they cover up the top part of the ground, dont know whats been done already but this can get bothersome.

3. Would it be possible to make it so that trees can be re-planted by pressing double-dig if you stand it up on top of earth?  (currently in CR trees can be stood up by holding up while holding on tree, and some moving the tree)

4. Would it be possible to make devices to capture the different creatures in the game, nets or something, then you could sell them for money. Seems better than having a living fish stay living just cause you're holding it while going through lava or some other such circumstance.

5. There needs to be an easier way to load things into the submarine, in CR you can put a lorry into one with up, but the stuff in the lorry stays in the lorry, mabye have the sub act like a building in that when a lorry is placed in it, the lorry's contents get placed in the sub's inventory.

6. Need a way to take explosives out of subs without them exploding.

mod needs to put a line through this plz 7. Material that is covers 3x3 pixels or less and is not connected to any other material, should disintegrate after like a minute, seriously though, those little specks are always getting in my way.

mod needs to put a line through this plz 8. In the CR editor, it is possible to rename something, but then that does not change the name of the thing that was renamed in the game, this is rather anyoing, could it be made so that each "thing" has one name throught the entire engine/saved files/anything else, just an annoying circumstance.

9. How come we can make small floors/ramps/walls with loam and metal but not logs?   And why cant we make metal versions of the wooden bridge.  I know that the knew bridges are going to be built in place, but to be able to build metal versions of the 2 log bridges would be nice.

mod needs to put a line through this plz 10. Dismantlation; would be cool if anything that is built could be dismantled into its basic components, things like explosives, wood/metal constructs, etc would need a structure for this purpose.  A structure itself would just need a deconstruction kit, (deconstruction kit = 10 clunkers/gold, reusable), just have it in inventory and tell your clonk to dismantle a structure, your clonk dismantles it, the deconstruction kit stays in inventory, the structure disappears line biy line from top to bottom, and when its done the basement, (if there is one), disappears, and the constructino kit & the materials used to make the structure appear in a pile in the middle of where the structure was.

11. As far as i know right now, construction of stuff inside structures cant be sped up by having more than one clonk work on the thing under construction, mabye make this work like when constructing structures, more clonks = faster construction.

12. For some reason cant sell stuff like ballons, ships, and subs in CR, plz make sure tha we CAN sell anything in OC.

13. I think its already been suggested; bag of tree seeds, has 10 seeds, cost like 4-6 clonkers or something.

14. Option to load a saved game from in a scenario.

15. Faster researching , more clonks researching the same thing make it get researched even faster, (just takes to darn long in CR).

16. Clonk Football, make a football, need an end goal short enough or a rule that causes clonks to through higher than normal, also need and end goal, small maps, terrain is flat and indestructable for official games.

17. Clonk Baseball, make a baseball, Terra-T-Flints are the bats, (Terra-T-Flints need to be made), terrain is flat and indestructable for officail games.

18. Is a boomerang possible?

          That's all for now, more will be added when thought of.
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-02-28 11:18 Edited 2010-02-28 13:03
Aren't you surprised why your post was "offtopped" in the first place?
Alright, since I have some time I would gladly provide you with an answer.
1) We do not yet now if underwater existence would be possible in OC. I think not in the base pack for sure. As stated before (somewhere here) OC game content would be based on the stuff that was available in the Renaissance era and underwater colonization definitely was not. If one day the game would reach the state when it can not live any longer without FarWorlds Deep Sea scenario, I hope we will make sure that only specific stuff (no foundries and sawmills) would be usable underawater.
2) There's been a topic about tree chopping though I think that no agreement was achieved up to this moment. We do not yet know (and do not need to right now) anything about lumbering in OC for we do not even have a single tree implemented yet. Maybe there would not even be a possibility to drag trees any more. Do not know, really.
3) How do you suppose to stand the tree up? I agree, some non-basic, extension-pack scenarios can have a possibility to grow trees but surely in common, natural way (Why do we need to implement anything like this anyway)? Also some ideas about tree growing are placed here though I do not know if they are relevant.
4) Can not tell anything about living creatures (for we do not have amany of them yet - you will certainly not want to catch and carry a shark or a dragon). Devices? Yes, maybe. But do NOT tell me about the rope again.
5) Some thought about submarines here and here. Personally, I would like to abandon submarine for good. It is a way to complicated vehicle to be available even in the modern era of OC. Another submerging devices (without a possibility of firing torpedoes)? Maybe. But only after a discussion (where my own position will stay the same as the one I've introduced two sentences ago).
6) Nothing to add here.
7) There's already been a discussion concerning this issue. It would be not very nice for me to add anything else aside of this topic.
8) What about defcore, stringtbl and such? You can change any properties of an object you like. If not, feel free to edit the source code - there are no restrictions and there will never be.
9) If you ask me, I think that making metal bridges (in comparison to loam bridges) was a needed but yet unrealistic feature. Sculpting an appropriate shape out of clay can be a rather easy task, but to perform the same manipulations with metal (or wood) would require something more advanced then just bare hands. As far as I know, we have never talked about bridge construction yet (though there were some thoughts about rails) so there is TOO early to talk about that.
10) You have already had a discussion with Ringwaul about deconstruction kits/buildings/tools. Why start this up again?
11) My own thoughts: in CR is was logical. Though in real life some construction processes can indeed be quickened up by using more than one pair of hands, working with dangerous explosives in confined space with someone who is messing around would be a total suicide. There was a suggestion about abandoning the need for entering a building in order to construct anything. Though I think that this suggestion would be rejected in the end, some interesting information can be found in later posts of this topic. There are a lot of buildings which can not be entered (tools workshop, for instance) and involve 2 or more clonks into the process would be possible but not needed (I suppose). Anyway, further discussion is in order here.
12) Concerning this and later questions: Is this an obsession to buy/sell everything? Personally I would GREATELY like to implement the idea posted here (Shortcuts with gold section). The possibility of buy/sell everything in CR is totally lame. It ruins all the fun. You can just dig out the sufficient amount of gold and have nothing to worry about. I (as a great fan for settlement scenarios) would instead like to maintain a complex production line where a bunch of buildings and different materials would work together to serve the final purpose - construct a complicated mechanism/vehicle/structure. And I would also like to make gold not so widespread resource as it currently is in CR. Personally I would struggle to make sure we CAN SELL NOTHING in OC... Have nothing to add here (read the post I've already referenced).
13) Any additional object can be suggested any moment - that is what (and not only for this) the forum is for. But it will/won't be implemented only after the basic stuff is done. (Cost. Again...)
14) Nice idea. But the entire interface would be completely different from the one "we" have in CR, so probably this issue has already been considered by someone.
15) There's already been some talk about researching but I'm not sure I know if there was an agreement reached. So can not tell anything about it, sorry.
16) Didn't understand anything. Is this a settlement simulator or a sports simulator?
17) The same. Though concerning super/terra/other flints there have already been several discussions (this, for instance). Hey, OC IS NOT CR!. There will be a different gameplay, different set of objects/different scenarios. So, probably, there is no need to compare these two games furthermore.
18) The same answer as for 13)

And one more thing. Please search the forum more thoroughly before posting new suggestion. There is a huge possibility that something similar has already been discussed.
Parent - - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-28 16:59 Edited 2010-02-28 17:13
ill mark off those that already have their own discussions

By the way, i moved it myself, (copied the text, then deleted the original, pasted into new topic).

The sports ideas were for a new kinds of multiplayer game.

Concernig comparing OC to CR, wasint OC made from CR code?  so logically, when someone finds something in CR or they think of something new, they use CR as an example.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-02-28 18:48
Of course. But OC is designed over, just on the sa... engine "evolved" from CR engine, but the content is different. Best idea is to grab a nightly build/download from hg and play yourself, that's (I think) more like how OC will be. Not like CR.
Parent - - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-28 18:53
you mean you guys arent going to make a nice zip download with the game all ready to be installed, no hassel needed?
Parent - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-03-01 09:02
There probably will be a nice *.zip, but for now there are nightly builds. I use linux, but ask someone about how to install these on IRC and I'm sure someone will help you. irc://
Parent - - By B_E [de] Date 2010-02-28 12:31

>Is a boomerang possible?

There is already a boomerang in Clonk Rage, have a look at Clepal in the missions folder.
Parent - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-28 16:58
k thanks
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2010-02-28 23:21

>Clonk Football, make a football, need an end goal short enough or a rule that causes clonks to through higher than normal, also need and end goal, small maps, terrain is flat and indestructable for official games.
>17. Clonk Baseball, make a baseball, Terra-T-Flints are the bats, (Terra-T-Flints need to be made), terrain is flat and indestructable for officail games.

Ooh great, maybe we can also have clonks get satellite T.V. so they can ignore their family while they watch the football game. Then we can make Clonk history about how the southern Clonks seceded from the northern Clonks, and then had themselves a chupping good civil war.

Seriously, what the hell?!
Parent - - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-03-01 01:23
thought it just might be somethin fun, if you guys dont like it, thenh dont make it, just tryin to think up other multiplayer stuff.
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2010-03-01 02:29
Sorry to blow up like that, but I find it quite irritating when ideas are suggested that do not fit at all with the style we are working with, which seems to be the Golden Age of Invention in the Renaissance, but also with some magical things thrown in. Things such as football and chainsaws don't fit into this style at all.
Parent - - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-03-01 04:31
just cause you guys are working on just the basic stuff doesnt mean i can't post my thoughts/ideas on anything that can be added later.  If I would like something to be a basic thing, ill describe it as such.

By the way, apology accepted
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-01 08:32
Sorry, but I have to say the same Ringwaul already said (because it is going too far already).
We are working on the basic stuff tight now and do not need to disperse out attention to the things which do not fit the game concept very well/completely useless/will be present only in some addon packs/will never be present. If you want to post an idea that would fit OC's so called "official pack" - go ahead, that would be highly appreciated (really, we have a lot of gaps that need to be filled with some cool stuff). But suggesting some strange/modern/futuristic/weird/crazy devices is a bit off topic here.
Right now we do not have a forum board for additional packs ideas (the current Ideas & Concept board relates to the base pack only). When we do - you are wellcome to help.
Thanks for understanding.
Parent - - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-03-01 13:30
Thanks for clarifying that, probably should have had, "for basic set only at current time" or something like that.

By the way, you might want to post whats missing, or what needs to be filled in so other people can think of the answer, . . . . .
Parent - - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-03-01 13:52
I am not the one who's running things here and I do not want to post anything. The reason is that we already have everything we need posted and I have nothing to add at the moment.
Parent - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-03-01 16:11
duh. . .

Sorry forgot about that page, . . . . umm moving on then
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Me thinking out loud

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