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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Feedback: Older OC Feedback of mine (beginner)
- - By ala [de] Date 2011-04-19 11:06
Just found an older memo dokument on my computer. It contains:

1. I noticed that I always check my backpack in a scenario. This is rather annoying - I remember not knowing what to do because I didn't check my start equipment either. So I'd like to propose a short notification - maybe itemsymbols above the clonk after first time selection. I want to know what the scenario designer intended for me without checking all the backpacks from my crew.

2. Textures: It's not obvious which material is diggable and which isn't - I got stuck digging several times because of that. And it took me a while to get the idea, that I could just dig through ice.

3. I'd like to change the race scenarios, and divide them into two goals: First one would be "Race", which is a race to the finish. The parcour is the race to the checkpoints. But for me playing - the checkpoint order wasn't logial - I often end up at 2 before I got 1. In addition, in Onlineplay the teams might split up and race to different points to get them faster. This is a nice idea for templay and the lower parcour points won't get too crowded - and for players which did their job and wait for their teammates to get the checkpoints of the other side: They are no longer in an abondoned section left alone - no they may interfere with other teams which try reaching the checkpoint :)

4. We might consider changing the naming system of the clonks sometime. And the two and 3 in the names are not very popular either. I don't know why I wrote this into my document - maybe I got really dumb names that time I played.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2011-04-19 19:42
At least the backpack should be "solved" when Mimmo finally pushes his GUI into the repository, because you can see the backpack there (reference image)
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Feedback: Older OC Feedback of mine (beginner)

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