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Parent - - By Enrique [de] Date 2009-06-23 12:10
I think this should be better an extension istead of the main Open Clonk.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-06-23 14:10
Yeah, but really, there should be more buildings, even few various buildings with same function, for example you could build a castle, OR something like pyramid, or another castle.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-06-23 14:18
Why? That sounds like it would only confuse players who are new to the game :)
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2009-06-23 14:24
But it would give much more diversity to the game. Maybe each player could choose one of building sets that fit him the most.
Parent - By Enrique [de] Date 2009-06-23 20:01
Then create you own scenario in which the player can choose his "Culture" (like in W2)
Parent - - By r4uz [nl] Date 2009-07-29 16:04
This is a good post!

I'd like to address something important though.

The melee system. Right now it's too easy to crash a base. Just get 5 clonks armed with flints, fly over to his base and wreak havoc.

Why don't we introduce classes of clonks? We could have...

- a fighter clonk, which is very slow and can't carry anything but can fight.
- a work clonk, which can walk and jump at normal speeds, can build buildings, but cannot fight, and can only carry the smallest of flints.
- a scout clonk, which can walk and jump better than the work clonk, but cannot carry anything and cannot fight.
- a special flint clonk, which is as slow as the fighter clonk, is weaker at fighting but can carry any type of flint.

The costs of these types of clonks would be different, for example:

- work clonk: 50
- scout clonk: 75
- fighter clonk: 100
- flint clonk: 125

this would make a drastic change in gameplay. it would be harder to make a serious attack in the first 10 minutes of the game, and the player with a better economy would eventually win with his abundance of flint clonks.

rounds specially made for melee (like Minor Melee) could be easily altered for this new type of gameplay by simply exchanging the normal clonks with fighter clonks (and perhaps one flint clonk).
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-07-29 16:59

>Why don't we introduce classes of clonks? We could have...

Wer are just about to abolish any other clonktype than the normal one (knights e.g.). I don't think even more clonktypes would be more fun to play for the player. If it is too easy to crash a base at the moment, we should rather think about WHY it is too easy - and not adding artificial difficulties ("haha, your Clonk is a Work Clonk and no Flint Clonk so you cannot carry flints!!")
Parent - - By r4uz [nl] Date 2009-07-29 18:23
Okay. Let's think about why it is too easy to demolish a base.

(1) -- Currently most buildings only need 5 small flints to be destroyed.
(2) -- You can easily steal building tools, line tools and stuff inside a lorry. And you can easily steal a lorry or throw it into water.
(3) -- The player with a blimp is usually the winner. Air defense is very tedious. You have to manually defend yourself against blimp attacks.
(4) -- You can really mess up a base by just randomly digging around their mines and digging under the base's buildings.

Possible solutions:

(1) -- This could be by default set to 10. I would also suggest a health bar for buildings so a player can know how much damage it has.
(1) -- Another extra solution would be to be able to repair a building for free. Just put a clonk inside a building and choose the option 'repair'.
(2) -- Maybe we should omit both the building tool and line tool altogether, and maybe we could disable movement of a lorry by adding a handbrake.
(3) -- We could have an automatic anti-air building, shooting smalls bullets or something. It shouldn't fire objects that remain in the world, or it would get too messy. Yeah this might be overpowered, but atleast your base stays safe. It adds an extra dimension of tactics. If you want to make an aerial assault, you first have to take out the air defense.
(4) -- To be honest I have no idea how to remedy this.

Okay, I admit the class-idea doesn't really remedy points (3) and (4).
Parent - - By Clonk-Karl [us] Date 2009-07-29 18:53

> (3) -- The player with a blimp is usually the winner. Air defense is very tedious. You have to manually defend yourself against blimp attacks.

I don't think this is true in general. It depends on the map, of course, but a crossbow with fire arrows normally provides good air defense.

> (2) -- Maybe we should omit both the building tool and line tool altogether, and maybe we could disable movement of a lorry by adding a handbrake.

Actually I quite like that you have to connect your buildings via power lines. This gives an extra challenge when setting up a settlement distant from your "main" base, for example when you would like to operate an elevator on the top of a mountain. I think it might be a good idea though to not allow enemies taking off lines and taking items out of vehicles/buildings.
Parent - By r4uz [nl] Date 2009-07-29 19:07
You're right about setting up a secondary base being too easy if we omit power lines. But instead of power lines we could have an automatic "area of effect" for windmills and foundries. This idea could even give the foundry finally the advantage (and its right to keep on existing :P) it always deserved: a bigger area of effect than the kind of weak windmill.

I would like to add that this 'area of effect' idea for electricity also supports the whole idea of more economy automation.
Parent - By MrBeast [de] Date 2009-07-29 19:39
The main problem at defending is the point that you cant be everywhere at the same time. I think it would help a lot if you are able to build automatic defense buildings and have a good defense AI. Another point is the throw-and-damage thing. It should take time to destroy something. May make flints unusable for building destruction and add things like "destroy the building with an axe" or "place an fire"(The Fireplacing would take time)?

And at the linekitthingy: May make it also take time to disconnect the kit?
Parent - By Travis Date 2009-07-29 23:02
Yeah the problem is, that normal Clonks have not much of defense weapons yet, but as I heard it here, this will change and in the future you can directly do knights things, without being one. So just grab a bow (if there be some) and shoot at incoming enemys.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-07-30 08:46
I agree mostly

>(1) -- This could be by default set to 10. I would also suggest a health bar for buildings so a player can know how much damage it has.

Yepp, it surely helps the player when he knows how much damage his buildings have taken. But maybe we could think of another visualization (and no, no burning marks) instead of a health bar? A health bar always seems so artificial

>(1) -- Another extra solution would be to be able to repair a building for free. Just put a clonk inside a building and choose the option 'repair'.

Not for free. Defending would become much more profitable than attacking. Nobody would attack anymore since the attacker has to waste money/ressources for expensive explosives while the defender can just repair his buildings for free. Repairing should cost the original building value (depending on the damage taken)

>(3) -- We could have an automatic anti-air building, shooting smalls bullets or something. It shouldn't fire objects that remain in the world, or it would get too messy. Yeah this might be overpowered, but atleast your base stays safe. It adds an extra dimension of tactics. If you want to make an aerial assault, you first have to take out the air defense.

That was actually already discussed somewhere: That you have some automatic defense structures because you just cannot watch the skies/border-to-the-enemy the whole time

>(4) -- To be honest I have no idea how to remedy this.

The new item system may come in handy there. You will only be able to dig with a shovel. But when you plan an attack: Will you rather take another weapon or a shovel? Every decision would have advantages or disadvantages
Parent - - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-07-30 07:18
I think if it were possible to create kits which allowed Clonks to have the abilities of special clonks as long as they had these kits equipped, it would solve the problem of "useless clonks".

For instance, normal Clonks cannot do much of anything underwater. But if a Clonk equipped, say, 'Scuba Gear' then he could have the abilities of an AquaClonk. Or if a normal Clonk equipped a Magic Staff he would gain the abilities of a Magiclonk. Any thoughts?
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-07-30 08:50

>For instance, normal Clonks cannot do much of anything underwater. But if a Clonk equipped, say, 'Scuba Gear' then he could have the abilities of an AquaClonk. Or if a normal Clonk equipped a Magic Staff he would gain the abilities of a Magiclonk. Any thoughts?

Something like that was the idea of the new item system :)
You will have equippable items that enable you to do stuff you couldn't do otherwise. Be it digging (shovel will an item), casting spells or using a shield (or walking underwater, maybe)
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