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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / A hello with some feedback attached.
- - By Heyub [us] Date 2011-07-18 21:22 Edited 2011-07-18 21:27
Hi, I am new to clonk and have found the game thus far entertaining.

I love the graphics, on many games that allow you to build and remove material (don't forget killing things!) the graphics lack.  I am glad to see that OpenClonk's graphics are not the least neglected.  The combat is also very well done, this is the only game of its kind that I have seen implement being able to throw farther by running, great idea!  I also like how you can throw materials (such as gold chunk) and cause damage, who dosnt like a snow ba-- err I mean gold ball fight.  Another key feature I have seen is the ability to climb, I simply love it.  It could use some work though, when using grapple the "climb" feature sometimes gets in the way.  The inventory is a bit small, if you ask me, but being able to use left click and right click to use different items is a nice feature.  Picking up items after those are full is sometimes a pain, perhaps some way of picking items up from the ground and placing in inventory would help instead of it all going to the two primary item slots.

I hope you continue developing the mac version of this game, I have windows but I prefer my mac.

Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2011-07-18 22:00 Edited 2011-07-18 22:03
Thank you for your positive feedback! As a developer, this is very encouraging to hear :))

I agree the grappler controls can be improved. It always feels like you can do a lot of crazy stuff with it, like jump and climb around sharp edges. But more often than not, Clonk getting stuck somewhere between clinging to the rope and the surface gets in the way. Maybe it would help if you could press direction+click on the rope to let go and jump in a specified direction at the same time, so you can jump away from the surface and around corners without getting stuck.
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2011-07-19 11:33
Just wondering: Were you using the shadered landscape renderer? Is that even readily accessible to people right now?
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-07-19 17:14
Parent - - By Heyub [us] Date 2011-07-19 17:39 Edited 2011-07-19 17:52
@PeterW;  I don't think I have, I simply used the download from the "Download" link at the top of the website, I downloaded windows 64 bit.
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2011-07-19 17:54
Well, I build the Mac version from source all the time, so it's most definitely working. I suppose the deployment got stuck somewhere?
Parent - By Heyub [us] Date 2011-07-19 23:04
I'm not sure where to get the source for Mac, and I do not know how to build it but if I can get the source I can get my brother to help me, he knows more about this stuff than I do.
Parent - Date 2011-07-20 00:44
Parent - - By Heyub [us] Date 2012-03-21 22:28
Well, I've been playing a bit more now that I have gotten a few friends of mine interested in the game.  I would like to give some more feedback on the game and feel as if it would be a waste of space to create a new thread when this one is still on the first page.

Our favorite type of gameplay is the pvp arenas, particularly the last man standing ones.  The king-of-the-hill matches never seemed to end, and usually we would have to quit before finishing.  My friends found Scorched Gardens fun, I didn't find it near as fun though, as I am still struggling to get my head around how exactly the electric arm thingies work.  While fighting we found that the change between weapon and shield is not very smooth, if you swing your sword you still have to wait a short period before using your shield again.  The shield appears to be used in the direction your cursor is pointed, but if your cursor is pointed to the left and you move right your shield will be pointed right, which gets annoying when you want to retreat while being shot.  It seems even if you lost movement speed it would be entirely possible to walk backwards with the shield.

I also played the tutorials, in the games I have played online I have not found use of the cannon, multiple clonks, and computer clonks in any of the non-tutorial maps.  The tutorials did not cover the weird electric arm device used in Scorched Gardens, the bottle of air, or spells.  I played the ranged tutorial and I really enjoyed dashing through a map breaking all the targets fast as possibe.

I would enjoy having a wider variety of maps rather than all parkour, pvp, and king of the hill, with the exception of guardian of the windmills.   I personally would enjoy more ranged levels :P  But in a more general sense, I would rather like to see maps combine more elements rather than keeping it to one.  Currently parkour maps tend to keep the basic of grapples, rockets, and bottles of air, I would find it much more interesting if you were to add in the occasional computer clonk throwing a couple arrows at you!  Or maybe a rocket flying down on you from the middle of nowhere!  The biggest thing I have noticed is the potential of this game, I have seen the tools weapons and many other items that awesome things could be done with, but the maps are, on most occasions, too focused and not broad enough to involve more dynamic gameplay.

I would also like to ask, how are the maps developed?  Is there an editor for the common player, or is it a more complex method of generating maps?

Thanks for your time,
~Heyub, C.S.
Parent - By Maikel Date 2012-03-21 23:16
Thanks for the feedback, maybe you can also try the new controls introduced here:
You can do this with the development snapshot found here:

>I would also like to ask, how are the maps developed?  Is there an editor for the common player, or is it a more complex method of generating maps?

You can in principle make maps when you have a text editor, a command line, and something better than mspaint. But it's not that trivial, we really need some nice tutorials for this on our wiki!
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [ie] Date 2012-03-21 23:28
Hi there o/

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Especially your ideas on the parkour maps sound promising.
To be honest, the tutorials were probably made having the previous Clonk titles in mind. In these stuff like the cannon or multiple Clonks are very common. So the tutorials are ahead of the actual content of the game...
If you want at least use two Clonks you could download the latest development snapshot and test a settlement scenario (but beware, you will get no real explanation! ;)

It is true that you never get objects like the jar of winds explained. For the simple reason that there are a lot of "simple" objects in the game which can't be covered by a tutorial unless you want a lot of tutorial scenarios.
Other games nowadays solve this problem by adding ingame hints maybe something we should do as well. At least we've planned to provide the player with more tooltips about how to use objects.
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2012-03-22 01:42

>Other games nowadays solve this problem by adding ingame hints maybe something we should do as well.

Please, leave the player to find out some things on his own. :(
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [ie] Date 2012-03-22 13:54
I don't want to explain everything. Like item combos (or spell combos in CR) or so. But the very basics of "How to use this item" should be explained.
Parent - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-03-22 14:32
Shouldn't that just be "click and see what happens"? Seriously, I think the best way to go is to have few possible ways of input and unambiguous feedback about the effect of your actions.
Parent - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-22 18:04
Item Description in combination with Tooltip. As soon as we have those.
Parent - - By Matthias [de] Date 2012-03-22 23:55
I'm with peter and caesar here. Explaining unique controls, yes - with this game, with our control scheme, we won't get around it. Explaining the game: Please, no. I'm so tired of "When trapped in a situation like this, your hero can easily use his magic rope to escape"-hints where every chance of discovering and failing is destroyed by spoilering the right way. I know I argued in favor of descriptions somewhere, but only to describe the object. I shouldn't have to rely on it's graphics to get an idea of what is going on.
Example: Windjar-description should be "Shoots out blasts of compressed air." - No word about boosting arrows, nothing about super-jumping with those, and certainly no tutorial for that! That's for the player to find out. Imagine the fun of new players that discover those things in multiplayer rounds - They might see their teammate super-jumping to that platform and be like "Wow, thats cool, but wasn't that a normal jar of winds? Maybe I can do it too?". They should try it out, fail until they get it right, and then be happy once they succeed.
If you can't figure out how to use something "the right way" by just using it "the wrong way" a few times, we screwed up somewhere. Most likely in the vincinity of that "feedback" peter was talking about.
Parent - By Clonkonaut [ie] Date 2012-03-23 03:48

> I'm with peter and caesar here.

And I am not opposed ;)
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-03-21 23:41
Thanks for the feedback!

I had a look at the KotH scenarios (MoltenMonarch and ThunderousSkies) now and spontaneously halfed the point limit - 10 and 12 were really pretty high. And rather the game is a bit too quickly over (and you can start a new one) than becomes a boring dragging for the players :)

I put the shield and sword stuff on my todo - cannot say when I get to actually do it though :)
(..I believe walking backwards once worked with the shield?)
Parent - - By Heyub [us] Date 2012-03-24 14:46 Edited 2012-03-24 14:53
As requested I played the new scenarios with a friend and have come to leave some feedback.

We couldn't figure out how to beat Skylands, we kept falling to our death or becoming no longer able to go back to the original skyland.  We played gold rush after giving up on Skylands, the first time playing Gold Rush after an hour of trying to find which buildings we needed we found that we didn't have enough stone to build a tool shop and neither of us had a pickaxe so we had to restart.  The second time we did much better and beat it in 10 minutes, goes to show how much knowing what to build helps :P!  After that we spent two hours on Iron Peak, we found the goal a bit ridiculous, so we just toyed around with buildings to see what we could do.  We felt that in order to beat Iron Peak we would need to be able to save our progress somehow so we could pick it up later, in two hours we had 50 iron mined out of the 348 needed.  Neither of us had interests in playing non-stop until we achieved that goal.  Unfortunately Crash Landing crashed (Oh the irony) on load.  I should have taken the time to write down the error but I didn't, if you need it I can at a later time launch it again and get the error.  Crash Landing only crashes in multiplayer, however if I launch it in single player it runs fine.

At first we found one life a bit brutal, especially on Skylands, as we played more staying alive became easier.  However, we would appreciate if there was more ways to heal than just the mushrooms on Iron Peek since most of our deaths happen as our clonks gradually lose health over time with nothing to replenish.  Our inventories were quite small and often annoying to start, I would like to suggest adding a "chest" which the player can build using multiple wood recources, allowing us to store those items instead of throwing them on the surface until we need them once we get our buildings built.

We ran into a few issues while playing;
1. Crash Landing crashes on launch when in multiplayer EDIT: Hey uh I see now there is a folder called "NetWork" are we suppose to use the scenarios in that instead of "beyond the rocks" for network?
2. Little "specks" or "pixels" of material sometimes got left when we mined and as a result clonk does weird things trying to grab/climb on it, and in a few cases getting clonk stuck.  Then you must go get another clonk to somehow remove the "speck" and free the strangled clonk.
3. We experienced that sometimes when our clonks rolled they rolled into place that they could not get out of, and had to dig them out with our other clonks.
4. A tree grows even when you cut it (observed in Gold Rush) also along the same lines; tees can grow underwater which is a nuisance trying to cut! (occurs also in Gold Rush)
5. If a tree grows where a sawmill is the sawmill runs continually (it does not use energy, just spins and makes noise) until the tree is chopped down.
6. I placed a lorry  next to my sawmill so the logs would fall in the lorry, I checked on the lorry and it had 30 logs, I had picked up a log that didnt quite land in the lorry, when I tried to place it in the lorry, an error said the lorry was full; the sawmill merrily cut logs and before we quit the lorry had 68 logs in it.
7. I'm not sure if this is as much as an "issue" as the rest but...  On Iron Peek I saw the snow getting blown in the cave indicating very strong winds, I had the idea of putting a windmill there, once I built it the windmill didn't even move.

Over all, we enjoyed the scenarios we played very much :)

On a side note; we found that while chatting shift-enter types in /team removing whatever you typed in previously, this created an issue when we typed out messages ending with capitals (such as faces :D, exlemations !, and quotes ") which got very annoying.  Also, alt + a number seems to be a hot key in windows 7 which produces an error sound. (Only just noticed because I normally play without sound, alt + number still works for changing right hand.)
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-03-24 15:12

> 5. If a tree grows where a sawmill is the sawmill runs continually (it does not use energy, just spins and makes noise) until the tree is chopped down.

Heh, finally someone found the reason for this bug :D
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-03-24 16:07 Edited 2012-03-24 16:18

>5. If a tree grows where a sawmill is the sawmill runs continually (it does not use energy, just spins and makes noise) until the tree is chopped down.

It was even a bit more intricate - you had to chop down a tree that was too small to actually produce wood and put that into the sawmill. The sawmill then tried to produce wood (even if the tree had none) and stopped only when you put another tree into it which actually had wood :D
fixed now! thanks!

>4. A tree grows even when you cut it (observed in Gold Rush)

fixed. A tree will now wait ten seconds after taking damage before continuing the growth!

>also along the same lines; tees can grow underwater which is a nuisance trying to cut! (occurs also in Gold Rush)

I quickly tested that. Trees do not appear to spawn under water.
Do you mean that existing trees continue growing or that new trees spawn?
Parent - By Heyub [us] Date 2012-03-25 02:42
Sorry I missed this message somehow, when the game was launched there were no trees underwater.  Later in the game a tree grew under water.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-03-24 16:34

>. I placed a lorry  next to my sawmill so the logs would fall in the lorry, I checked on the lorry and it had 30 logs, I had picked up a log that didnt quite land in the lorry, when I tried to place it in the lorry, an error said the lorry was full; the sawmill merrily cut logs and before we quit the lorry had 68 logs in it.

Fixed, thanks! The lorry collected everything that was thrown into it - the old limit only worked on interaction :)
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-03-24 17:59

> 1. Crash Landing crashes on launch when in multiplayer EDIT: Hey uh I see now there is a folder called "NetWork" are we suppose to use the scenarios in that instead of "beyond the rocks" for network?

I could not reproduce any crash with the current development version.

The network folder contains temporary files only (they are usually deleted, but the folder may stay if the engine crashes). You can safely delete that folder; do not host from it!
Parent - - By Clonkonaut [ie] Date 2012-03-24 21:27

> 7. I'm not sure if this is as much as an "issue" as the rest but...  On Iron Peek I saw the snow getting blown in the cave indicating very strong winds, I had the idea of putting a windmill there, once I built it the windmill didn't even move.

You are experiencing "issues" or rather "the game is designed like this"-moments which are known for long in Clonk :D The reason is that clonk doesn't have a real wind system but rather a value that the same everywhere but not if the background is not sky. Or in short: in front of tunnel the wind is always absent.
Parent - By Heyub [us] Date 2012-03-25 02:39
@Sven: I will be sure to get the latest development version then, thanks :)

@Clonkonaut: Ah, I can understand that.  Wind is static and is only on sky backgrounds?  I'll keep that in mind when building windmills!
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-03-25 19:44
While we're at it... Why can you even construct windmills on non-sky backgrounds?
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-03-25 20:50
Maybe you want to build it inside a cave, then dig away from the basement to have it rotate sideways into an area where there's air.
Parent - - By boni [at] Date 2012-03-25 23:00
Or MAYBE we need a wind-ish system. At least that there's wind in non-sky background if it's at the top/close to sky.
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2012-03-26 09:48
Maybe checking the tips of the sails for wind, okay. Anything else: Way too expensive.
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-03-26 12:42
Not to mention even more unpredictable than the Sky rule.
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2012-03-26 12:43
Give each clonk a headband, scarf or whatever and let it wave in the wind!
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-03-26 12:45
While we're at it... Why can windmills rotate? Setting them straight again ought to be a painful process, to say the least.
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2012-03-26 20:05
When we played a test round of goldrush someone pushed our windmill over :(
It was probably boni. boni does those sort of things!
Parent - By Clonkonaut [ie] Date 2012-03-26 21:31
I did it :]
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-03-26 20:58
I actually like rotating buildings and disliked it when matthes changed most of the CR buildings to be non-rotateable (during Clonk Planet I think). Now that we don't need entrances for buildings any more, most of the problems of rotated buildings disappear. For WindMills, if we had an easy-to-use-rope, one could quickly pull mills upright after they've fallen.
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-03-27 02:39
Well, the question is - what is it useful for? So far it has primarily been the source of strange behavior and bugs... I don't really have a strong opinion here, but it seems gimmicky at best.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-03-27 11:21
It's fun and makes things more dynamic
Parent - - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-03-27 21:52
Just stating what we want to prove doesn't really help ;)

What is fun about it? How does it add to the dynamic of the game? What exactly can you do with a tilted windmill that you can't normally do?
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2012-03-27 22:51
I don't know why it's fun. I just like rotated buildings I guess. They fit nicely into the concept of ad-hoc settlements in Clonk. Rotated buildings feel like this, while all-straight buildings feel more like this. I kinda prefer the former. Even if living in them wouldn't be so practical, non-professional settlements look so much more stylish.

Also, in a game, not every concept needs a clear purpose.
Parent - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-03-27 23:50
Hm. For a more organic feel, it would be enough if we allowed to tilt them a bit, right? That could make it more organic, without having the problem of them actually toppling over.

And no, but having at least some sort of argument would be nice :)
Parent - By PeterW [gb] Date 2012-04-17 15:36
Hm, just wondering: Does this apply to the Castle-type structures as well? I suppose we could starting draw-transforming the pieces so they fit in weird angles...
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / A hello with some feedback attached.

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