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Up Topic Harvesting: Sickles and swords

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In Response to Clonkonaut
But there is a distinction between nice experiences and frustrating ones. I've got more feedback from people who thought that is was stupid that axe behaves like this. See Fluff's for an example.
But if you feel like this, I would like to have your input more often in gameplay related topics.

> If bushes are really important, there can be a tutorial for teaching you the "proper" way to handle them.

I don't think it's a good idea to solve weird object behaviour by adding more tutorials explaining the weird behaviour.

After all, Clonk is not as much a trial'n'error game like Minecraft or Terraria. If you screw things up in these games, you can easily move to another spot and start all over again. Because these are sandboxers. In Clonk screwing up is more or less a game over and people generally dislike game overs as long as they occured because of a minor fault which was unforeseeable (i.e. you had to try out to know).

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