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In Response to Clonkonaut
v0.6 Beta

Now beta! I would say you can start working with his if you want to. I received no feedbacks on any bugs, so either it's bug free (which I doubt!) or not thoroughly tested (more likely). So beware, backup your work.
Still the same: You need writing rights in your OpenClonk directory.

Put the files anywhere you want. Be sure to have writing rights in the directory of the Editor. First setup is done on startup, specify your OC directory and the executable.

- Creation on / Dragging to top level is now possible.
- Resorting after movement/creation/renaming operation.
- Fixed a bug that deletion of non-empty directories was not possible.
- Fixed copying files (were moved instead).
- Rearranged button area, smaller buttons, less space consuming.
- Included %AppData%\OpenClonk\ in an extra tree view item (always on top). Editing files in there is totally possible!
- Quick Edit for any text files.
- Scenario editor.

File explorer handling is finished now. Big two new features: Quick Edit and Scenario Editor.
Quick Edit means that you can edit text files inside the editor without the need of a third program. Quick Edit is very basic, so no syntax highlighting or similar eyecandy features.
The Scenario Editor is a simple GUI for basic design of a scenario. It's due to big changes because of everything I mentioned here: I won't recommend using it on existing scenarios though because it overrides any values it does not know. I will probably see to change that in the future.

CTRL+N - New file
CTRL+X - Cut
CTRL+C - Copy
CTRL+V - Paste
Delete - Delete file
F2 - Rename
F5 - Refresh file tree
CTRL+Space - Run
CTRL+Z - Quick Edit undo
CTRL+Y - Quick Edit redo
CTRL+S - Quick Edit save

Known bugs:
- Objects.ocd isn't protected. If you edit it, it's edited. You won't be able to join network games with edited Objects.ocd!
- It's not possible to drag'n'drop objects into the view window of the engine with OC v2.2.0. Isilkor fixed this in eb568b1771ac, so it works with the latest dev snapshot.
- The Quick Edit button does not show the icon. It's hard to spot because of this. It's here:

Limitations in comparison to CR's editor:
- Externally edited files are not refreshed in the file preview until reselected. It's not planned to change this in the future because I think the cost-benefit ratio is poor.
- You cannot select custom object packs to be loaded. Although the editor is capable of doing so, the feature is disabled because of no engine support. You need to specify [Definitions]. No intention to reenable the feature for lack of engine support.
- The editor cannot open packed files. You need to unpack everything in order to see / edit the files. It's not planned to change this in the future.

- Protect original files (Objects.ocd, ...)
- Work in AppData if OC dir is readonly
- Maybe more fancy editors (landscape, material)
- Include the mesh viewer

Files: - The compiled program - All source files needed to compile the editor, starting point: main.au3

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