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Up Topic Screenshot Thread the Fourth

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In Response to Luchs
Some feedback:

The scenario starts out really easy: dig a bit, blast a bit of granite, find the acid. Figuring out how to build pumps and basins to get the acid through isn't hard either.

At some point when trying to get energy into the mine you hit the "no build"-zone near the crystals. There is very little feedback about why you can't build there, it somewhat feels like a bug.

The scenario would benefit a lot from a guide NPC like in some of the other missions. Maybe one near the crystal barrier explaining why you can't build there and another one near the acid lake giving a tip about energy generation with the pump.

These things are obviously written in the description, but few people read that thoroughly enough on the first try.

We also thought that the landscape is a bit boring. Flints are mainly below the base. In the mine, there is only a lot of stone and lava with very large spots of coal, ore and gold in-between.

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