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Up Topic [Bug/Idea] Digging effect

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In Response to AlteredARMOR
Guys, you won't believe it! This is exactly what I thought about this morning.
At first I thought that ice is not suppoused to be dug with a showel that's why you will probably have to blast it with explosives. Then I remembered about the discussion about implementing a pickaxe (maybe here and here) so the ice should be only "mined" using this tool (or even better: it would evaporate if you try to blast it with explosives).
Then I thought that this approach would add unnesecary  complexity to the game (because the same "not dugable with showel" rule has to apply to sulphur and probably coal as well). Do we really need this?
So I ended up with thinking about applying some sort of "digging speed": digging through ice or sulphur should be slightly slower than through earth or snow.

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