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Up Topic General / General / Diffusionsabsorptionskältemaschine
- - Date 2011-10-12 22:45
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-10-12 12:31 Edited 2011-10-12 12:33

>Using lava as a powersource for a fridge (cold storage) won't make sense.

That's how you feel, because you don't know the [url=]absorbtion fridge./url].

The german article is a little more detailed on the technical details.ältemaschine
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2011-10-12 13:18

> The german article is a little more detailed on the technical details.ältemaschine

You mean Absorptionskältemaschine? The article for Diffusionsabsorptionskältemaschine is pretty short.
Parent - - By ST-DDT [de] Date 2011-10-12 16:10
Are you sure that this would work with such high temperatures?
if this works ill grab my pressure safe box and jump into an volcano.
now one tried already? maybe its too hot.
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-10-12 21:03
You did not understand the principle.

You need three parts. A large environment which has enough buffer to have a "constant" temperature, a part where the temperature is higher than the environmental one and a part which is to be cooled below the environmental temperature. You now allow thermal energy to flow between the hot part and the environment and use this flow to 'drag' energy out of the cool part into the environment. You could do this with two Peltier elements, but using chemicals is just more effective. It's even more effective to use gas directly than to burn it in a power station and operate a pump with it.
Parent - - By ST-DDT [de] Date 2011-10-12 22:08 Edited 2011-10-12 22:15
And you don't understand me.

Maybe this works with such hot materials like lava. (I don't think so because lava would water to steam too additionaly to the other material because its to hot. and than this liquid circle will not work because both of them are mixed.
If its work it have to very very large, because of heat shields. i won't guess the size but it definitly will not fit into a structure

maybe you can use lava as fuel to melt something, which leads me back to a statement of mine.

>i think the object/structure/author should becide whether it uses oil or lava.

if you want to produce energy with heat you can also take to gigantic metal plates and connect a wire to them. The temperature differenze will cause energy flow.
I think one of the Jupiter satelites uses this kind of energysource, because you cant use solarpanels in that distance to sun.
They use natural nuclear radiation/destruction/splitting warmth for that. Like a battery.
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2011-10-12 22:45 Edited 2011-10-12 22:47

>And you don't understand me.

Maybe I didn't cover all aspects of your post, I'm sorry. What I was getting so upset about is the idea of being able to jump into a volcano. In CR, you use your sub for that. In real world, science is just a bit more complex than "you can cool with heat" (and it works, there is a wikipedia article!!1).

> i won't guess the size but it definitly will not fit into a structure

We have doubtable science and contain lava in a steel barrel. We then put heat pipes onto the barrel and can thereby regulate the temperature. In reality, you'd just heat up some water like in a geyser.
Seriously: The technical problems can be solved if we want to. Regarding game design, it's just a question of the will to make it work. After all, we just steal ideas from the real world. We have to steal the right ones to make the game interesting.

>I think one of the Jupiter satelites uses this kind of energysource, because you cant use solarpanels in that distance to sun.

Indeed, and this is the heat source.
Up Topic General / General / Diffusionsabsorptionskältemaschine

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