Two simple parkour scenarios from our earlier sessions are also included. These are test scenarios we created to try our the network mode of the new editor. All scenarios are built without scripting, using just the new editor action and property boxes.
Download here: EditorTestScenarios.ocf
Requires the latest snapshot: Nightly Build

Thanks to Clonkonaut, DerWipf, jok, K-Pone, Kanibal, Luchs and Maikel for building and testing!
(Scenario dialogues in German only. Sorry.)
Got stuck at the Frosch for now, also I could kill NPC's otherwise this is very nice. How long did it take to make this?

> also I could kill NPC's
The important NPCs (King, Mave, Clonkine and the old guy who gives you the hammer) should be invincible. Which NPC could you kill?
You can kill the frog NPC :P
> How long did it take to make this?
Pretty long. It was late-night and not so productive ;-)

So, I'll finish one scenario and my prize is to disappear in a good scenario? x(
The map is open at the bottom and after loading a savegame my respawn was somewhere in some piece of rock.
My respawn was in a piece of ore, even before saving the game :(
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