I can't open the doors and can't find a way to go through!
Can anyone help me?
Can anyone help me?

If it's one of these ones: https://imgur.com/pxYNUNB
You'll find the switches when following this path: https://imgur.com/LJkBryq https://imgur.com/LJkBryq
From the image, the left, and I went up to the top and the only thing I found was more doors that I can not open.

I thought it was a chest, and I did not even go near it.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
Hi, I have stuck in Treasure Hunt after grabbing 18 gold bars and with the last spin wheel. I can turn it and unlock entrance but the second way is then closed. Any suggestions?

No, the second one, which we can open with wheel bragging them by space button and move by up and down arrows.

You can move it up, then block the doorway on the bottom (e.g. with loam) and then move it down again. Then both ways should be open :)
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