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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / An odd rule
- - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-10 16:23
Could it be possible to make a rule so that in a game u can only see your or your teams tunnels as normal, but to see your opponents tunnels, u actually have to discover them, Ie, they would appear filled in with dirt till u got within a reasonable site range.  The blackout effect on The Chasm I think is the closest thing we have right now.
Parent - - By Sven2 [de] Date 2010-02-10 16:28
We'd need a shadow copy of the whole landscape "as seen last time you were there" for that (though I'd go further and include all objects then). Not sure if such a feature is worth the effort of implementation.
Parent - - By B_E [de] Date 2010-02-10 16:34
By the way: I noticed there is a simple implementation of "You can't see through walls". Is this final or will there still be changes?
Parent - - By Caesar [de] Date 2010-02-11 15:00
Parent - - By B_E [de] Date 2010-02-11 16:31
In every round - you notice it especially in Cavern, the view keeps shifting.
Parent - By Caesar [de] Date 2010-02-12 12:15
Now I see what simple meant. But okay, it's there.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-02-11 17:48
Don't tell me guys, that you do not actually play OC? o.O
Parent - - By B_E [de] Date 2010-02-11 18:00
Of course, we had a nice round with Sven2, Caesar, ck, Randrian and me yesterday.
Parent - By Sven2 [de] Date 2010-02-11 18:26
...also mentioned on our blog
Parent - - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-11 09:46
all objets, . . . EVEN BETTER!

would make for some interesting, "Blind MAN's BLUFF" type games.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-02-11 13:23
Hmmm, I can say, that I like this idea. But not the way you present it. Do you mean something like "Fog of War", which shows only original landscape without changes, that were made without knowledge of player? I think it would be overused for digging traps, that could not be dodged. If I were to consider this idea seriously(tough I dont think its worth the effort), then I'd suggest to make clonks able to see all tunnels within radius of ~300 pixels from themselves.
Parent - By TheBuilder [us] Date 2010-02-11 21:31
Wat i meant in the first place is, each player or team of players can only see another player/team's tunnels by exploring them

Sven2 suggested that it could be made to work for everything, Ie; u cant see any of the other player/team's tunnels/buildings/vehicals unless uve gotten within a certain range of them

But yes it would work like a fog of war, though once u "reveal" an area it stays that way, though if they build something new, or dig more tunnels or somethin, u wont see them untill u go there again.

This kinda goes for any map in CE & CR right now too cause u can only see the area around your currently selected clonk, that might be a huge area, but it moves with your clonk so it doesnt really reveal any more of the map.  Was probably done that way so that u cant watch wat ur opponent is doing as easily.

Hmmm,  "Fog Of War", lets go with that name.
Parent - - By Isilkor Date 2010-02-12 15:49

> I think it would be overused for digging traps, that could not be dodged.

Well, once you're in the vicinity of the hole, you would see it.
Parent - - By Asmageddon [pl] Date 2010-02-12 16:51
Yeah, but what if you fall in 20 holes in a row and have to climb up all the way? Annoying it would be, I say.
Parent - By Isilkor Date 2010-02-13 02:15
I don't mean you would only see them when you've already fallen in; of course the Clonk can see a little in front of itself.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / An odd rule

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