I hereby license the file BoleroWIP.ogg under the CC-BY license
I hereby license the file BoleroWIPv2.ogg under the CC-BY license
I hereby license the file BoleroWIPv3.ogg under the CC-BY license
I hereby license the file UrbanBolero.ogg under the CC-BY license
I hereby license the file UrbanBolero.mmpz under the CC-BY license
Attachment: BoleroWIP.ogg - Bolreo inspired Song (Work in Progress) Version 1 (1465k)
Attachment: BoleroWIPv2.ogg - Bolero inspired yet unnamed Song (Work in Progress) Version 2 (1536k)
Attachment: BoleroWIPv3.ogg - Bolero inspired yet unnamed Song (Work in Progress) Version 3 (with Ambience tags) (3209k)
Attachment: UrbanBolero.ogg - Urban Bolero (Frontend) Final version (3982k)
Attachment: UrbanBolero.mmpz - Urban Bolero (Frontend) Project File (10k)

Its a calm atmosphere at the beginning, maybe tune the drums a bit down und keep going with the strings, don't make it too busy.

Nice to hear :) - actually your music fits rather well to the upper ground thematic Sven implemented some weeks ago, already played with it.
A side question: Are you into sounddesign too? If you are or you are willing to experiment and get into it I'd like to recruite you for the Milestone team. I'm also working on sounds there, you can listen to the sounds I created so far. But the project demands a a lot more. Openclonk could get a very rich sound atmosphere which I would consider a massive bonus for the game.
A side question: Are you into sounddesign too? If you are or you are willing to experiment and get into it I'd like to recruite you for the Milestone team. I'm also working on sounds there, you can listen to the sounds I created so far. But the project demands a a lot more. Openclonk could get a very rich sound atmosphere which I would consider a massive bonus for the game.

Yes :) - deeply appreciated. Also started by trying around not too long ago.
I added you to the intern Milestone board on clonkspot. You'll also need a dropbox account, and an account on trello (www.trello.com - great organisation platform).
I added you to the intern Milestone board on clonkspot. You'll also need a dropbox account, and an account on trello (www.trello.com - great organisation platform).

>plus any ambience tags for when the song is to be played, e.g. "COMMENT=frontend;day"
Is there a list of all available "ambiences"?

Declared here: https://git.openclonk.org/openclonk.git/blob/HEAD:/planet/Objects.ocd/Environment.ocd/Ambience.ocd/Script.c

@Sven2: are the ambience tags applied correctly?

Also, what is this instrument at 2:17?
Edit: Oh well, it's not that bad at all on second listening. But still... more tubas?? :-D

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