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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Colors, Banners?
- - By MimmoO Date 2009-12-30 15:07
Hey folks.
yesterday, i just read sven2s paint-topic, where you can paint with your mouse. this gave me the idea for this post. maybe we could use not only playerspecidif colors, but also banners, as used in counterstrike etc. atm, CR has bigicon, which are maximum 25kb (or so). we could also make this for banners in castles (atm there is a blue and a red banner).
what do you think about it?
Parent - - By Randrian [de] Date 2009-12-30 15:32
I like the idea very much. I even have tried to impement such a system in my project Alien Union, where you could choose a symbol to be displayed on every building. Of course these were just symbols of a list and not individual ones, cause this wasn't possible per script.
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2009-12-30 16:58

>I even have tried to impement such a system in my project Alien Union, where you could choose a symbol to be displayed on every building.

Good ol' Battle4Freedom had that back then :)
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2009-12-30 16:23
Instead or additionally to the overlay-areas which are colored in the player color, there could be overlay areas on which a player specific texture is mapped. This would only work good with meshes. For example the clonk could have a texture-overlay area on his chest.
Parent - By Ringwaul [ca] Date 2009-12-31 04:03
Also for flags, shields, blimps, etc.
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Colors, Banners?

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