There will hopefully be more cannons in OC soon, but they need graphics. If you would like to contribute you will see your work immediately in OC as the scripting is already done!
The current idea is described and discussed here. There you can also download scenarios to test the new types of cannons.
Discussion of the graphics can be done in this thread.
The current idea is described and discussed here. There you can also download scenarios to test the new types of cannons.
Discussion of the graphics can be done in this thread.

Or did you want something that looks more like a tesla coil?
Looks good! I would like to use the Diamond as a component. So that could fit in your design where the three rods of the dish come together.
Have we got diamonds in some scenarios?
>I strongly disfavour the diamond idea, it adds another layer of complexity to the game which is not obvious to players, is not existing in any rounds we currently have and has not been tested. This means it will break all existing rounds and especially means I have to redesign all rounds. (Maikel)
>I strongly disfavour the diamond idea, it adds another layer of complexity to the game which is not obvious to players, is not existing in any rounds we currently have and has not been tested. This means it will break all existing rounds and especially means I have to redesign all rounds. (Maikel)
The gun is not needed by any scenario yet. And since I lost that discussion and we have diamonds we might as well use them for complex objects like the tesla gun.
I added diamonds to the Horrid Highway round for this purpose.
I added diamonds to the Horrid Highway round for this purpose.

If a scenario requires diamonds for production, it should either make them visible from the start or at least fix their position and provide the user with hints (e.g. signs) - and have e.g. animals defend them

> where we are still lacking more! A lot more!
We also lack any kind of hands-on reward after discovering a diamond. Being able to sell it for money is not very thrilling. But what if you get a cool and exceptional item?!
I agree that any scenario based upon such an item (like Horrid Highway?) should make finding diamonds more obvious.

>But what if you get a cool and exceptional item?!
Yeah, nothing against that. We need a lot more (minor) variations of existing items (e.g. better helmets, better arrows, better swords, blah) - but all those would be stuff that you don't need to finish a scenario - unlike the cannons in Horrid Highway

"High tier" items should be items that you reach later in the game. E.g. because they require some sort of production chain that takes time to set up, etc. The diamond is very unsuitable for this, because it is very possible that the player finds one in the first two minutes of the game
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