With my changes, certain items will burn for 2 seconds (with no effect if extinguished in time) and then change into a 'Burned Object' definition which is only good for fuel and will otherwise burn into ashes.
I don't think that, even with these changes, we want to change tools back to flammable again. I am inclined to make the bow fire-proof as well. Any objections (beside 'this isn't realistic')?

Animals (except Butterflies, Fireflies, Fish, Mooq, Lava Cores, Mosquitos, Piranhas, Small Piranhas, Pukas, Sharks, Zaps)
- okay, actually most of our animals are fire-proof?!
Cotton Seeds
Wooden Barrels
Explosives like dynamite, boompacks, the dynamite box, powder kegs, iron bombs
Grapple Bow (hmm, also a flammable tool, I missed that one)
Rope bridge planks?
Hopefully all buildings
Hopefully all plants (but I know at least one that does not burn yet, my fault)
And the airship. Other vehicles are indestructible except for the lorry which explodes.
It's a bit...arbitrary, isn't it?

And the Clonk could be a closed container so that your bow doesn't burn when you swim in lava (but only when you throw it into the lava). And I like the common "burned object" definition :)

I like the idea however, that everything inside a clonk doesn't catch fire. ClosedContainer doesn't do that but it's no big hassle implementing such a function, yes. Of course, lava would be a real monster, eating up all your stuff.
Currently, if you only touch lava for a very short time, you will survive. How about only passing the fire "inwards" if a certain threshold of burn/temperature has been reached and the Clonk is likely to die anyway? (And probably never pass it inward if the Respawn rule is configured to restore the items.)

The callback is called every few frames (maybe every 10 or so, not sure anymore).

>Like, even a small wash of lava going through your base might destroy a lot of things!
Only the things lying around in the open. Build chests, you fool!

In all scenarios with lava, you will then want to construct metal chests.
A fun little thing would maybe be having the metal chest vulnerable to acid ;)

I am not 100% convinced of making buildings inflammable at all (what's the additional gameplay value?), but idk. Maybe it's fine

Only items.
Buildings get destroyed by explosions only.

* It's consistent
* Items don't _start_ burning inside a container (or clonk) which could be easily overlooked in a hectic situation
>I am not 100% convinced of making buildings inflammable at all (what's the additional gameplay value?), but idk. Maybe it's fine
It is up to taste, I think I would like the dangerous structure eating lava.
And it would actually make lava a really potent weapon against buildings, and maybe we could use something like that?

>so that your bow doesn't burn when you swim in lava
But I really like how right now, gunpowder and dynamite explodes when you dive in lava :(

I would have thought that this is not a big issue because usually when you lose your stuff, you are also dead anyway. But I didn't think of respawning with the carried tools.

Also, auto-replenishing doesn't work so easily in Treasure Hunt, because you find your tools on the way.
It's also really annoying if you had a short dip in lava, but luckily made it out alive and cooled off in water, just to notice you have to respawn anyway because all your tools are gone.
On the other hand you are super stupid if you dip into lava with a powder keg! I agree that we should be avoiding player annoyance, but maybe we can make exceptions for some rather obvious and dangerous items/tools.

On the other side, Hot Ice (our MVP scenario atm!) kind of depends on having your grenade launcher "incinerate" when it comes into contact with lava.
I'd suggest implementing something that lets the developer choose which objects should burn in the player's inventory (kinda like the ContactIncinerate-solution you proposed?)
I'd suggest implementing something that lets the developer choose which objects should burn in the player's inventory (kinda like the ContactIncinerate-solution you proposed?)

We played Acid Goldmine yesterday, before that change. It was awful. Lava pixels everywhere, so many burnt tools. Thank you.

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