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Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Do we need pickaxe?
- - Date 2010-04-13 13:07
Parent - - By Newton [de] Date 2010-04-13 12:05
By the way, regarding the pickaxe. I am currently doubting if we should really include such a tool. I tried it out's too mighty: Every 3 seconds, you can mine one gold. For free. The only thing it takes is time. So, with enough patience you can dig yourself through any vein, even through granite and stuff, again for free.
To "balance" this out by making the use of the pickaxe even slower (it is already painfully slow) is no option because what we would do by that is the following: We offer the cheapest, safest and easiest way to mine (through) anything in the game while at the same time discourage it's use by making it incredibly slow and boring. So why did we include it in the first place if we want to make it as ineffective as possible? (Which is hard to do since it's "free" to use) The outcome will be that many will still continue to use it because it's reusable and free (like wind generator vs. coal plant+coal) and thus really profitable even though it's really boring. Still, the blame will go to the gameplay - to be very boring and long-winded .
Parent - By Randrian [de] Date 2010-04-13 13:01
Oh pah, I did such effort improving the script and making a nice animation...
Well, I see your point. The only idea I would have for it would be to make the pickaxe use it self up, so that you don't get everything for free. So that you only use it if you have to (no explosives left or just small specks left of a material you don't want to waste flints on).
Or making it cost energy of the clonk, or make it "dangerous" flying around of freed objects? But I think this could be a bit far fetched...
Parent - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-04-13 13:07
I second Randrian on the idea of making pickaxe "breakable". It will solve the problem and save the "effort improving the script and making a nice animation"
Parent - By Zapper [de] Date 2010-04-13 14:47
The pickaxe could be used to demolish enemy buildings :] (and very thin material layers - like metal bridges)
Parent - - By Travis Date 2010-04-18 14:37
Maybe you can use the pickaxe only on little or thin gold veins generally, or on the edges of a vein not on big rocks. Material could be divided into "hard" and "soft".
Yes, a tool to dig through everything without trouble gives you too many cheat-like opportunities.
Parent - - By Plotron [pl] Date 2010-04-18 22:16
Those "hard and soft" would define the probability of a failed mining (you would not gain any material or just damage your pickaxe) thus making it dependant on the miner's experience.
Parent - By Travis Date 2010-04-19 20:14
But this is something a player wouldn't expect, I mean the dumbest Clonk should be able to clonk (see reference) with a pickaxe.  :)

- - By Anonymous [us] Date 2010-07-06 07:36
If it is slow it gives something for a few of your non busy clonks to do.

If you have a clonk that used to word cutting trees but now is out of a job send him to the mine to slowly pick away while you control someone else.

I don't see a problem with it, explosives are much much faster, but you need to be in direct control to use them right. Pickaxe is very slow but is accurate, good for giving a jobless clonk something to do.
Parent - By AlteredARMOR [ua] Date 2010-07-06 13:24
Makes sense
Up Topic General / Feedback and Ideas / Do we need pickaxe?

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