Isilkor, could you apply the new icon for the web-view on the repository, too?

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
- you need to put the favicon.ico in the images folder.
> Isilkor, could you apply the new icon for the web-view on the repository, too?
Changed it. Btw, could we have different favicons for the different sections of the page? Like a fat bug crawling over the icon for Mantis, and having the icon crumble into building blocks for the repos, things like that. Maybe the forums could have an inkwell and a quill instead of the shovel and musket.
It might only be my tastes, but home page looks worse centered than aligned to the left.
No, you're actually right. The problem is (IMO) that the navigation is at the top left while the content is centered. They should both flush. Also all sections except the wiki use the full width of the screen, so it looks weird.
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