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Up Topic Development / Scenario & Object Development / Removing old arenas
- - By Luchs Date 2019-01-26 18:38
I think we should clean up the Arena folder a bit. Some of the scenarios in there don't work very well, and I think this can easily hurt the game when new players try it out.

I'd like to remove the following scenarios:

- Scorched Gardens (the one with the meteorites and the telegloves). This scenario is more of a gimmick. Maybe we can reuse it as a ClonkFest stage.
- Molten Monarch (the cave map with the moving stone platforms). I think the goal can be pretty confusing and the map doesn't seem to lead to interesting fights.
- Maybe Frozen Fortress. It doesn't work as well as the other capture the flag scenarios (Melting Castle and Hideout).

As replacement, I suggest we add some newer melees that people have created in the meantime, like:
- Zapper's Flint Brawl (I opened a Pull Request for that).
- Maikel's Magma Moles
- I think Clonkonaut created a nice one as well last year or so?

Any comments?
Parent - - By K-Pone [de] Date 2019-01-26 21:32

>Scorched Gardens

Definitely agree with that. It would fit Clonkfest pretty good in my opinion.

>Molten Monarch

Also agree with that.

>Maybe Frozen Fortress. It doesn't work as well as the other capture the flag scenarios (Melting Castle and Hideout).

Well, yeah, that's the same thing I noticed when playing Capture The Flag or similar modes in FPS games or Lasertag when teams consist of mostly newcomers. It kinda works if players figure out how the modes work, but it's mostly rather frustrating for newcomers since the modes involve a bit more strategy than simple Deathmatch or Last Man Standing gamemodes.

Melting Castle however feels a bit different though as it's not really a capture mode but rather a destruction mode. Still, it involves a bit more strategy and if players have a strategy it becomes interesting.

>Zapper's Flint Brawl (I opened a Pull Request for that).


>Maikel's Magma Moles

Also agreed.

>I think Clonkonaut created a nice one as well last year or so?

Parent - By Luchs Date 2019-01-26 21:45 Edited 2019-01-27 01:02


No, not that one. That actually worked rather poorly when we played it with more players recently. Although I think it might work better if kills would also give the next weapon (in addition to winning the round). Gungame might in fact also be a better fit as a Clonkfest minigame.

The scenario I was thinking of was small and vertical with weapon spawnpoints. Unfortunately, I can't find it in my folder anymore.

Edit: It's called "Small Arena".
Parent - - By Zapper [de] Date 2019-01-28 10:17
Sounds good.

Only comment I have is that I actually liked Frozen Fortress. Maybe it's possible to fix the weaknesses of the map instead of throwing it out completely?
E.g. I don't like that there is so much water in the middle because swimming is slow and boring. And maybe we can update it with more recent objects and weapons
Parent - By Sven2 [us] Date 2019-01-29 03:45
Maybe the Hideout gems (Hideout is the one with gems, right?) could be colored blue and added to Frozen Fortress to kind of merge the rounds?

I like the design/landscape of Frozen Fortress better, and the gameplay of Hideout.
Up Topic Development / Scenario & Object Development / Removing old arenas

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